Monday, October 26, 2009

Moooo....I'm a Pig!!! :)

So I am sure that a lot of you have heard about my little swine flu epidemic! It sucks!! I am soooo miserable!! I'm never letting a child kiss me EVER again....seriously!! Taylor kissed me while she was sick and gave me a sore throat....and it went downhill from there!! That little stinker isn't even sick anymore!!!! I on the other hand am VERY sick!!! My family sprays me with Lysol every chance they get!! Yes....they are rude jerks....LOL!!! Tiffany is the worst one!! Shes such a blonde!! She was spraying me with air freshener...thinking that it was somehow disinfecting me!!! They've talked about setting up a tent in the backyard and putting my bed out in the tent so I can be alone with my sickness!!! Rude!!! LOL!!! Tiffany will prob get it eventually cause we sleep in the same bed (my bed) and she said I cough all over her all night so she has to keep her whole body under the covers!! Pray that I get well VERY soon!!! I hate being sick!!!!

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