Monday, October 26, 2009


Its so crazy when I see people that I went to school with and they already have kids! I guess I'm just behind in the times!! I took Kaylynne to school today and saw a few people that I knew that were taking their kids to school and I was thinking to myself that I couldn't see myself taking my own kids to school! I guess I just can't see myself being a mom yet! My childhood best friend has a 10 year old and I just can't imagine myself at all having a 10 year old!! Yikes!!! Thats scary to just think about!! Maybe one day I will have kids, but I really don't want them until I'm at least 30! I'm still enjoying my life and I like not being tied down to a child! I see some of my friends that have kids and they can barely go outside or go to the bathroom for that matter without dragging the kids with them. I guess I'm just not ready for that responsibility yet! It wouldn't other me if I never had kids. It would be nice to have at least one of my own, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it didn't happen. I think that Tanya and I may be the only ones at our age without children. Everyone else our age has already had at least one child, married or not. Its sooo crazy to me!!!

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