Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drama Drama Drama

Why is it that some people just like to start drama when its really not that big of a deal to begin with and they bring the drama unto themselves??!! I'm dealing with a certain situation right now and it is soooo frustrating!! I watch my nieces as a favor to help Esmeralda and Neil out! I'm like the back-up babysitter since they already have a regular babysitter. The regular babysitter has been calling in sick on a consistent basis so I have been babysitting a LOT! To make a long story short the babysitter is a big time moocher and takes advantage of them so bad!! She has now started to text me and is trying to start stuff cause shes mad that I've been watching the girls! Some people just need to grow up!!!! By the texts that she is sending Esma I know where this is headed. Shes going to say that it is my fault and there weren't problems until I started watching the girls and Esma just likes me Best! Yes, I am family to the Morebecks but you need to get yourself a reality check!! You wouldn't be in the situation that you are in if you would just go to work when you are supposed to!! Some people!!! Thats all that I am going to say!!!! :)

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