Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome to America

Me and my beautiful Tannie....I know, I look a hot mess! (oh well, get used to it! Its a normal occurance!) to catch you up I will start way back when.....Yeee!!

This one time at band camp.....I'm so just kidding

Anyways Here are some pictures of some of my most awesomest friends!! One of them who happens to be a bay! Things started out happy but then I had to calm some people down! Jk! It was a blast! So much time has past that Sonya and Jason are a sweet little couple now! Doesn't that just make you sick?? Romance! Who needs it?! It was only the 2nd time that I have ever been ice skating! It was pretty fun actually! Tanya had never been so that made it even funner!! Of course I had bruises from the stupid ice skates...maybe I didn't put the stupid things on know me! We couldn't stop laughing...I can't remember why! Maybe because I was trying to take pictures and I kept cutting everyones faces off....

All of us lovely people

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