Saturday, May 2, 2009

quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

I seriously have the best friends that I can ever ask for! They are always there for me and can always cheer me up even when I am at my lowest! I love all of you guys!!

Bre I love that you can make me laugh even when I'm mad at you! We can be screaming at each other, but mention food and we forget all about why we were ever mad in the first place! You are serioulsy my mini me!! Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you!!

Jen I just love you to pieces! You always put me in line and make me so how things really are!! You seriously are the best!! Your more like a sister then a friend in my eyes! Thank you for always being there for me no matter what!!

Tiffy I am so glad that God made us sisters! I am so thankful that we are sooo close!! I don't know what I would do without you!! Good thing me and Bre have you for fashion or we would be so lost...LoL!! You inspire me to be a better person and be all that I can be!! (That so sounded like the is getting to me)

Tannie how can I forget about you! You are my best friend in the whole world! You are always there for me, rain or shine! I think that God destined us to be best friends! Its crazy how we have both been through similar things together! I love you for being you! You put up with me even though I'm wild and crazy! Even when you think that I am acting out of my mind, you just let me learn the hard way...even though you know that I will regret it! You just let me be.....well me!I love you!!

The 4 of you are my bays for life! Nobody else understand me the way that you guys do! I know that we will always be friends forever! don't have a choice because I'm your sister! You poor thing! You can just tell everyone that I was adopted when I start acting crazy!! Recently you guys have really helped me realize things about you know who....I know that it will be hard...but I know that you guys will be there for me!! I love you guys from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for always putting up with me!


cute Pictures, Images and Photos

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