Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grandma Van Loo

I've been thinking alot about people that are already gone from us! I love my Grandma VanLoo she passed away after being a cancer survivor 5 times of different types of cancer! She found out that she wasn't going to make it on Christmas Day! She didn't tell anybody though because she didn't want to ruin Christmas for everybody! My Grandma had a Irish wake since she was Irish so it was pretty cool! My Grandma Van Loo wasn't my blood Grandma but the whole family always treated me like I was always there and I was their family! I love her for that! I became part of the family when I was 4 after my mom got married to Karl, whom is the only dad that I have ever known! Grandma Van Loo will always be missed in my heart! I thank her for being the strong person that she was and always being there for me! She was the besT!!!

This is me and my brother at my Grandma's wake

My Grandpa Van Loo was so strong! He was telling us stories and things that we prob didn't know about my was hard for him to hold back the tears :(

My brother, cousin Rachel, me, and my sister! This is the first time I had seen my cousin Rachel in years! It was sooo great to see her!

This is my Grandma back in the day! Tiffany looks so much like her!

Just me and my lovely cousin Rachel

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