Friday, May 8, 2009

Hello again world!!

yi yi yi!! I am so exhausted!! I have been trying to cram all of my stuff into my car and its not working very well!! I'm going to have to throw a lot of my stuff in the dumpster! (tear) I have come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, I have way too many clothes!! It is scorching outside!! Everytime I get some more energy and walk outside, the sun soaks it all up! My sister says its just because I'm a bum! Maybe thats true! As soon as I FINALLY finish packing and throwing everything else away it will take me at least 21 hours to drive home! My dad, my mom, or my brother was supposed to fly out here and help me move and pack, but the plane tickets were too expensive, so now they aren't!! (tear) Maybe its a good thing cause I prob would've sat in the house while they packed the car!! LOL! Don't worry...when I get home...they are so unpacking my car!! I guess since it will prob be mothers day when I get there, my mom will have to do it!! Lol j/k! I'm not that cruel!! I am really excited about going back home...well kinda. I want to be around my family and my best of friends, but I will miss living in my own apartment! I'm going to check the rock church out when I get back to Cali! My friend Sandy is going to go with me since she lives in Sacramento, I hope that it impacts her in a good way! She didn't care for Promise Land when she went there with me! She had a bad experience! So pray this will be a good experience for her! It would be awesome for us to go to church together somewhere!

If I would've got my lazy bum in gear I could be laying at the beautiful California beach with Tannie right now!! How depressing! Instead I'm here in good 'ol west texas!

I seriously need a nice strong man to do all of my moving

I guess I should stop being lazy and go outside and at least pretend to move stuff around...haha

I really think that I could sleep for weeks when this is all over!!

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