Sunday, November 16, 2008

You better Get right or you're going to get Left

I think this is a great concept to think about. Tomorrow is never promised to us. You can get hit by a bus on the way to work or a drunk driver may hit you on your way home. Yesterday is your past, you can never change that, but you can move on from your past. You have to live for Today only. You can change things in your present, but not in your past or your future. I think this is the time that everybody needs to get right with God. You better get right or you're going to get left. I feel like this is the season for grace. God shows us so much mercy and grace, but we just shun God because we think that we are above his mercy and grace. I pray that god never gives me what I deserve. God has shown me so much grace! I do not deserve it! I have done nothing to deserve it! I could never be so good that I would not need Gods grace! I think that we need to wake up and make some changes in our lives! Tomorrow may be too late and there is no going back once tomorrow comes. Change your prioritys! Make some changes!

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