Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heartbreak from yours truly

I personally know just all there is to know about a broken heart. I know all about the whole friends thing. I personally do not think that the male and female genders were ever created to just be friends. It is not possible. Sure, maybe for awhile you can be. Generally speaking though, after awhile you start to develop feelings for the other person. It can hurt when the other person does not share those feelings back with you. Trust me, I know! I know that the first person that you love can be the hardest to get over. I'm not sure if you ever completly get over it. The scars from a first love never really go away. I think most people hold on emotionally, maybe not physically. I was thinking about that quote at the top of the page and it is seriously like asking somebody to keep something that is already dead on your heart or on your bed like its no big deal. I personally went through this recently and it was one of the hardest things for me. Reason being, I love this person. I have never loved anyone the way that I loved him. But things were getting quite obvious to me that things would never work out between us. I know that if we were to get back together it would be a lot of work on both parties. I was willing to put in the time, but I honestly don't think that he was willing to. I think that he felt like it has failed before and right now he is too busy trying to find himself. I said that I wasn't waiting for him, but secretly I was. I was waiting for him to come around to his senses or to want me again. My eyes were opened last night though, because I know that I am a different person. I'm not that person that he fell in love with all those years ago. I want a partner that is going to be with me rain or shine and to do the work for Christ. I just don't think that he can be that anymore. I think that he CAN be that, I just think that he wants to be that. Which is fine, to each his own. I think that I am finally able to love myself again. Loving yourself, she be number one. If you can't love yourself, how do you expect anybody else to love you? You have to show to other people that you are worth the investment and you are loveable. It can be hard though, when you are hurting so much. I know I had a hard time with it. I realized that I can't hold onto something that just isin't there anymore. I know that I am speaking to somebody out there! Know that you are royalty! You are God's special treasure! When things get tough, you know that you are doing something right! Trust me, the devil isin't going to mess with you when you are doing things his way. He will leave you alone. Also keep in mind that not everything is the devil! Sometimes it is just life! Life can be cruel at times. Sometimes it can be your flesh! You have to kill your flesh everyday! Trust me! You are always in a battle between your flesh and your spirit. If you don't kill your flesh, your flesh will always win hands down. Its part of our sinful nature. I'm kind of off subject...I

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