Sunday, November 16, 2008

Don't ever judge a book by its cover!

So, today I was sitting here talking to my co-worker Nadar about Racism. It is a very touchy subject for many people. Especially after the president election. I think the whole race was a white/black thing. I find that very sad! I thought that we were over that whole thing! Honestly, as a country I don't think that we are. Blacks and whites are still at each others throats. Mexicans won't even look at somebody who is not the same race as them. Everyone is racist in his or her own way. I think it is crazy and it needs to be put to a end! Seriously. I personally have a uncle that is VERY racist! If your not white, then your not jack! I believe that you are not born a racist. You have to learn it somewhere. I think that you get it from your parents or people that you are around. I find it so sad that we can't just all get along and it still has to be a issue!! I love everybody! I have friends of almost every race imaginable! Why are people stupid and iggorant?

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