Monday, November 17, 2008

My Best Friend~Tanya Horner

I feel so blessed to have met Tanya! She is amazing! When we are together, there is never a dull moment. When I first met Tanya, I thought, she is soo quiet!! I am so loud, I just didn't think that we would mesh. I was so wrong! Tanya is still quiet, but shes not THAT It was weird, I really believe that God placed us in each others lives for a reason. We had been through a lot of the same things. We grew up down the street from each other, but never met. We attended the same high school, never met. We even had the same friends in high school, never met. We finally met on myspace of all places in 2005. We would talk, but not as much as I talked to her twin, Tammy. Tammy and I talked just about everyday about anything. I felt so close to Tammy, but not really to Tanya. When I moved back to California from Texas in 2006, Tanya and I met in person. I wasn't really expecting me and Tanya to be close, but me and Tammy I did. Its crazy how things worked out, me and Tanya are soo close, best friends, and me and Tammy aren't close at all. I love Tanya soo much! I seriously don't know what I would do without her!! We have been best friends for 1 year this month and its like I have known her my whole life! We share so much together! Tanya is one of the hardest working people I know! Her job and quality of her work is very important to her! She is always working..seriously. She is the biggest sweetheart! We are so opposite, but so much alike at the same time! We are always laughing about something. We can just look at each other and start We have one of the most special bonds! Tanya is going to make some man very happy one day!! I know it will be one day soon! We have already decided that whoever we marry, they HAVE to be friends or that relationship just isin't going to work I love Tanya because I can be myself and I can tell her anything at all! She is not a judgemental peson at all!! I love you Tanya and I am so gald that I can call you my best friend!!

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