Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Texan Girls

I miss Priscilla and Karissa so very much!! It has been awhile since I have seen them! 2006!! That is a long time! When I moved to Texas they both made me feel so welcomed, even if nobody else did. They both have such a annoting on their lives! They are amazing girls!!
Priscilla: You are beautiful! You will always be my little niece! I feel honored to have met such a wonderful young lady. You have had your share of hurt in life, but you still press forward. I believe that nothing can keep you from what you want in life. Always keep God number one! I promise that you will never be disappointed! Sometimes to overcome things you need to get a little crazy in God! Do something that you never thought that you would do with God! Give God your everything! Don't give your everything to a guy! They will always disappoint you!! But God will never disappoint you!! I know that Jaime and I told you that we were going to give you money for college. That almost seems impossible since Jaime and I are no longer together, but I am going to give you something. It may not be as much..but it will be something to help you out! I just want you to know that I love you!!
Karissa: You and I got to be VERY close when I lived with Bishop Davis and his wife. After all you just lived right across the street! You are a amazing person! You are gifted beyond degree! Never stop giving God your everything! You will always be blessed in life as long as you give God 100%. You have such a unique personality! Thats what makes! We have shared great times together! You will always have a special place in my heart! Always! I know that sometimes God's way seems tough and it is the road less traveled but you will always come out on top as long as you trust in him. A wise person told me once that if you trust God with everything and not just pieces you will always be a blessed person! I love you soo much Roo!! I rejoice in the day that I see you again!!

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