Monday, November 17, 2008


What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. Faith is being sure of (the substance) what we hope for (our goal in Jesus Christ) and certain (the evidence) of what we do not see. But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. Yet faith comes from listening to this message if good news--the good news about christ. For by Grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.

Why are girls soo crazy?!

I have the best freakin' friends that a girl could ask for!!!

My Best Friend~Tanya Horner

I feel so blessed to have met Tanya! She is amazing! When we are together, there is never a dull moment. When I first met Tanya, I thought, she is soo quiet!! I am so loud, I just didn't think that we would mesh. I was so wrong! Tanya is still quiet, but shes not THAT It was weird, I really believe that God placed us in each others lives for a reason. We had been through a lot of the same things. We grew up down the street from each other, but never met. We attended the same high school, never met. We even had the same friends in high school, never met. We finally met on myspace of all places in 2005. We would talk, but not as much as I talked to her twin, Tammy. Tammy and I talked just about everyday about anything. I felt so close to Tammy, but not really to Tanya. When I moved back to California from Texas in 2006, Tanya and I met in person. I wasn't really expecting me and Tanya to be close, but me and Tammy I did. Its crazy how things worked out, me and Tanya are soo close, best friends, and me and Tammy aren't close at all. I love Tanya soo much! I seriously don't know what I would do without her!! We have been best friends for 1 year this month and its like I have known her my whole life! We share so much together! Tanya is one of the hardest working people I know! Her job and quality of her work is very important to her! She is always working..seriously. She is the biggest sweetheart! We are so opposite, but so much alike at the same time! We are always laughing about something. We can just look at each other and start We have one of the most special bonds! Tanya is going to make some man very happy one day!! I know it will be one day soon! We have already decided that whoever we marry, they HAVE to be friends or that relationship just isin't going to work I love Tanya because I can be myself and I can tell her anything at all! She is not a judgemental peson at all!! I love you Tanya and I am so gald that I can call you my best friend!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Great Friends

This is part of my crew!! They are amazing!! I love them all!! They are pretty special...if ya know what I mean? lol

To Cliff

Wow! I feel so blessed to have found such a great friend like Cliff! He is like a Big brother to me. I can talk to him about anything and I can call him anytime. Cliff, I just want to tell you that I think you are amazing! You help me without even knowing it!! Thank you for always being there! Smacking me around when I needed it! When I act crazy, you're not afraid to tell me that I'm acting a You are truly a blessing to me! When I met you I never thought that we would be friends, but we are. You are so annoited and gifted! Thanks for being the Bestest ever!!!! Arf Arf Arf!!!! You crazy Agot!!!!

Solano County

I almost forgot to tell everyone!!! Yes, I am working for Solano County and I was talking to one of my co-workers and he said that he hears very good things about me. I was only hired temp and my position was supposed to be over next month, but he said there is a very good chance that they will be keeping me on Full time!!!! That is so exciting!! It really is a great place to work! It is so laid back and the people are awesome! Plus the pay is not bad at all!

My brother is pretty much amazing!!!!

I just wanted to stop and say how amazing my brother is. I just got off the phone with him! He called me while he was in hell camp! Its so crazy, I miss him so much! He is coming home on December 19th-Janurary 2nd and I couldn't be happier!! Jonathan is soo amazing in so many ways! Every chance I get, I am always bragging on my brother! Jonathan has grown up so much and I am so proud of him!! Its hard sometimes walking past his room and its empty. He always makes me laugh, even when I soo don't want to. He sings stupid songs to me, just to cheer me up. He is so talented and gifted in soo many ways! Our family misses him soo very much! He is definitly one of a kind! I love you brother!!

Girls of West Texas

I have such a burden for the young girls of West Texas. There is a spirit there, that must be broken. Those girls want God soo bad, but there is nobody that is there for them. I know a lot of them struggle with self esteem and low self confidence. Each one of them is beautiful in their own way! I wish that they could see that! My heart is soo heavy and burdened for each and every one of them. God wants to much for them. They each have soo much potential. I wish that they could realize how important they are and what treasures they are.

Heartbreak from yours truly

I personally know just all there is to know about a broken heart. I know all about the whole friends thing. I personally do not think that the male and female genders were ever created to just be friends. It is not possible. Sure, maybe for awhile you can be. Generally speaking though, after awhile you start to develop feelings for the other person. It can hurt when the other person does not share those feelings back with you. Trust me, I know! I know that the first person that you love can be the hardest to get over. I'm not sure if you ever completly get over it. The scars from a first love never really go away. I think most people hold on emotionally, maybe not physically. I was thinking about that quote at the top of the page and it is seriously like asking somebody to keep something that is already dead on your heart or on your bed like its no big deal. I personally went through this recently and it was one of the hardest things for me. Reason being, I love this person. I have never loved anyone the way that I loved him. But things were getting quite obvious to me that things would never work out between us. I know that if we were to get back together it would be a lot of work on both parties. I was willing to put in the time, but I honestly don't think that he was willing to. I think that he felt like it has failed before and right now he is too busy trying to find himself. I said that I wasn't waiting for him, but secretly I was. I was waiting for him to come around to his senses or to want me again. My eyes were opened last night though, because I know that I am a different person. I'm not that person that he fell in love with all those years ago. I want a partner that is going to be with me rain or shine and to do the work for Christ. I just don't think that he can be that anymore. I think that he CAN be that, I just think that he wants to be that. Which is fine, to each his own. I think that I am finally able to love myself again. Loving yourself, she be number one. If you can't love yourself, how do you expect anybody else to love you? You have to show to other people that you are worth the investment and you are loveable. It can be hard though, when you are hurting so much. I know I had a hard time with it. I realized that I can't hold onto something that just isin't there anymore. I know that I am speaking to somebody out there! Know that you are royalty! You are God's special treasure! When things get tough, you know that you are doing something right! Trust me, the devil isin't going to mess with you when you are doing things his way. He will leave you alone. Also keep in mind that not everything is the devil! Sometimes it is just life! Life can be cruel at times. Sometimes it can be your flesh! You have to kill your flesh everyday! Trust me! You are always in a battle between your flesh and your spirit. If you don't kill your flesh, your flesh will always win hands down. Its part of our sinful nature. I'm kind of off subject...I

Don't ever judge a book by its cover!

So, today I was sitting here talking to my co-worker Nadar about Racism. It is a very touchy subject for many people. Especially after the president election. I think the whole race was a white/black thing. I find that very sad! I thought that we were over that whole thing! Honestly, as a country I don't think that we are. Blacks and whites are still at each others throats. Mexicans won't even look at somebody who is not the same race as them. Everyone is racist in his or her own way. I think it is crazy and it needs to be put to a end! Seriously. I personally have a uncle that is VERY racist! If your not white, then your not jack! I believe that you are not born a racist. You have to learn it somewhere. I think that you get it from your parents or people that you are around. I find it so sad that we can't just all get along and it still has to be a issue!! I love everybody! I have friends of almost every race imaginable! Why are people stupid and iggorant?

Love this girl

This is my amazing friend April!! I miss her soo much!! I met her when I was working at Harrigans in Texas! I am so happy for her!! She is soo happy! She deserves nothing but the best! When I was going through my very difficult time she was always there, ready to give me advice and just to talk. If I wanted to just sit there and be quiet and think, she was ok with that. She never pressured me to make the decision that she wanted me to make. Rather she let me make my own decision. It was the best thing that she could have ever done for me! I will never forget her kindness! She is one of the most amazing friends that I have! I feel blessed to have met her in Texas!! Love you girl!

My Texan Girls

I miss Priscilla and Karissa so very much!! It has been awhile since I have seen them! 2006!! That is a long time! When I moved to Texas they both made me feel so welcomed, even if nobody else did. They both have such a annoting on their lives! They are amazing girls!!
Priscilla: You are beautiful! You will always be my little niece! I feel honored to have met such a wonderful young lady. You have had your share of hurt in life, but you still press forward. I believe that nothing can keep you from what you want in life. Always keep God number one! I promise that you will never be disappointed! Sometimes to overcome things you need to get a little crazy in God! Do something that you never thought that you would do with God! Give God your everything! Don't give your everything to a guy! They will always disappoint you!! But God will never disappoint you!! I know that Jaime and I told you that we were going to give you money for college. That almost seems impossible since Jaime and I are no longer together, but I am going to give you something. It may not be as much..but it will be something to help you out! I just want you to know that I love you!!
Karissa: You and I got to be VERY close when I lived with Bishop Davis and his wife. After all you just lived right across the street! You are a amazing person! You are gifted beyond degree! Never stop giving God your everything! You will always be blessed in life as long as you give God 100%. You have such a unique personality! Thats what makes! We have shared great times together! You will always have a special place in my heart! Always! I know that sometimes God's way seems tough and it is the road less traveled but you will always come out on top as long as you trust in him. A wise person told me once that if you trust God with everything and not just pieces you will always be a blessed person! I love you soo much Roo!! I rejoice in the day that I see you again!!


Zoey is finally here!! I am so happy for the proud parents and family of this precious baby girl! This family is like a second family to me. We have shared together hurts, pains, laughter, and happiness! I will never forget their kindness to me! Ever! I am very excited to see Zoey and Meghan in Feburary if everything works out!

You better Get right or you're going to get Left

I think this is a great concept to think about. Tomorrow is never promised to us. You can get hit by a bus on the way to work or a drunk driver may hit you on your way home. Yesterday is your past, you can never change that, but you can move on from your past. You have to live for Today only. You can change things in your present, but not in your past or your future. I think this is the time that everybody needs to get right with God. You better get right or you're going to get left. I feel like this is the season for grace. God shows us so much mercy and grace, but we just shun God because we think that we are above his mercy and grace. I pray that god never gives me what I deserve. God has shown me so much grace! I do not deserve it! I have done nothing to deserve it! I could never be so good that I would not need Gods grace! I think that we need to wake up and make some changes in our lives! Tomorrow may be too late and there is no going back once tomorrow comes. Change your prioritys! Make some changes!

For everything there is a time and a season

I truly believe that there is a time and season for everything! I remember about a month ago, my pastor was teaching on that. I just keep telling myself that, so I can believe it in my heart. Sometimes it is really hard to wait on God! It seems that he never does anything when we think it is right or when we want him to do it. Thats ok though. I am finding that God's timing is always perfect. We feel that at the time God is always late, when in reality he is right on time. I'm not praying for patience because I know that God will try my I am praying though that God will make me content with what I do have. As I have stated before, I want nothing more then to have a family. God knows my desires and wants. I know that God will fullfill them..just not right now. A few months ago I had a dream..I was getting course..and I remember thinking in my head...this was soo worth the wait! I know that is how I am going to feel when I meet that special someone..or maybe I already know him...I just don't realize that he is special yet. I want to be a proverbs 31 woman. I want to be ready and be everything that I should be in God for my future husband. I want God to perfect me!

New Church

Some people may or may not know, but I am attending a new church in Vacaville. Currently we are remodeling our church! So far it is looking beautiful! We just laid down the new carpet and we got it all painted. We will be having a special service when we get our building done. Everybody is invited!! I love the church soo much! Everybody is so friendly and accepting of me. The pastor and his wife are just wonderful people! I hope that when I get married, I can have a marriage like they have! There is a great annointing in that church! I have learned soo much just when I was visiting! I officially became a part of the church 2 weeks ago! I will keep everybody updated for when the building is finished!

Lets Pray People

That I never get to be this big! I would seriously cry!! Those people that are this big, my heart goes out to them. I have a really good friend named Chalee that is maybe a little bigger then this and I know her life everyday is a struggle. I know she feels bad about the way that she looks and her condition is hereditary. I had a boyfriend that was big as well and he had so many health problems that it was ridiculous! I think people can be so judgemental and mean sometimes!! You don't know what the person's life is like. Moral of the story...Never judge a book by its cover!!

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. In a way I am glad that I am finally coming to my senses about a few things. You see, more then anything I want to have a family. I want to have kids in the future. A husband that I love more then life itself. A husband that I can do ministry with. I don't want to just "be with someone." Thats just not what I am looking for. I would say last year I had like no standards as far as guys went. I would prob take you if you had no legs. Seriously. I think that it was because I didn't like myself deep down. I think that I blamed myself for a lot of things that happened in my life. I was able to forgive other people, but I couldn't forgive myself. It has been a difficult road, but I can finally see the light. I know that no relationship is perfect, but it can be perfect with God. I think that as long as your relationship's foundation is God, you can overcome anything. I think a few years ago, I couldn't have a relationship with somebody. I was immature and was soo not ready. I would've just screwed it up..which I did. I'm not in a hurry to just run down the aisle to get married, but I would love to get married to somebody who is amazing! What is the most important to me is the person's relationship with God. I don't want to be with somebody who is going to drag me down spiritually or is still trying to find himself. You need to know who you are in God already! I want to be with someone who wants to be there for the long haul, not just for the moment. You need to respect youself and me as well. I want everything to be in God's perfect will!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Miss Negative

People!! I am working on being a more positive person!! I know that I tend to be just a tad negative!! I am seriously working on it though!! I promise!! I'm not going to jump to conclusions!! :)

So irritated

I am so irritated!! Why are you going to ask me to get you the hook up and then after I do you say never mind?? You want to say never mind after everything has already been sent out to you??? Then you want to be rude about it...whatever!! Go find a tree....climb up it....and jump out into moving traffic....thanks!

Marriage Advice

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.

A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot & not try to understand her at all.

Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.

Any married man should forget his mistakes, there's no use in two people remembering the same thing.

Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.

Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.

A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

There are 2 times when a man doesn't understand a woman - before marriage and after marriage.

Your not so bad!

Abraham was old
Jacob was insecure
Leah was unattractive
Joseph was abused
Moses stuttered
Gideon was poor
Samson was codependent
Rahab was immoral
David had an affair with another man’s wife and later killed her husband
Elijah was suicidal
Jeremiah was depressed
Jonah was reluctant
Naomi was a widow
John the baptist was eccentric to say the least
Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered
Martha worried a lot
The Samaritan woman had several failed marriages
Zaccheus was unpopular
Thomas had doubts
Paul had poor health
Timothy was timid

See.....Your not so bad compared to these fellas!!

To All Of My Friends


So...I kind of have a thing for bad boys...I know! I need to stop!! You don't have to be a complete bad boy...just as long as I know that you could be bad if you wanted need to pray through!! Seriously.

Adventure Of A Lifetime

Africa? Texas? Michigan? Guam? Arizona? Colorado? Ohio? Nevada? Utah?

So many will I ever pick where I should go? So me and Tanie have decided that if there is no life changing decisions made, then we are bouncing in June. We are still young and have a lot of life in We just want to go and meet different kinds of people. It seems that we see the same people over and over and we want to see new faces. We want to experience new things. For Tanie, she has never been outside of California..except for when she opens new stores. I have been to other states and I love the adventure! I'll keep you updated on our travels! :)

Tanie said that she will move to Michigan if Jaime finds her a thats going to happen! I think that we will most likely go to West Texas! I love theat place! I love the people there!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My World

I love this dog more then anything else in the world!! She has been with me through almost every situation. We have been through so much together!! She is a I love her to death!! She was with me in Texas and then she moved with me when I moved to California. She has a weird unique personality! Shes a oddball! Gotta love my Cornflake! I don't think that there is anybody who doesn't love her!!


Sometimes the hardest things to work through are those that don't make sense to us at the time. You just have to remind yourself that EVERYTHING happens for a reason! Whether you understand that reason or not. I know that when I look back on my life with certain really sucked while I was going through it and I wasn't sure if I would make it or not, but looking back everything worked out perfectly....just the way it was designed to.

Love is not a maybe thing or we will see

I think that it is sooo frustrating when someone tells you that they will see if they love you or not. There are no maybes, or ifs about it. I think that you either love them or you don't! Plain and simple! You can't sit on the fence and just hope that, that one person will just hang around for you. I can guarantee you that you will be very sorry if you do that. So yeah....guys are so frustrating!!!!