Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Prince Charming Has Finally Come Along.....

My Prince charming has finally come along. I am so in love with Jeremiah! I feel so blessed that he has come along and is in my life. I have never felt the way that I do with Jereamih. I know that people say all the time that so and so completes them. Jeremiah does that for me. Jeremiah is the only person in this world that has the power to make me laugh when I am mad, except for my brother. Jeremiah and I came across each other on facebook. If you ask Jeremiah he will tell you I was stalking him...LOL. That is not, however, how we met. I have known Jeremiah since I was 15. His dad used to come to my church and preach. Our churches also did various functions together. Everyone at church used to call him my lover boy. I was sooo in love with him! I had the fatest crush on him!Jereamiah is the sweetest guy I know and he has the biggest heart. I think in many ways he is a good mix between both his parents. Both of his parents are both very passionate and have the biggest hearts. I have never had a guy ask my dad if he can date me, but Jeremiah did. I know that Jeremiah is going to do great things in his life and I plan on being there holding his hand every step of the way. Sometimes I wish that we would've came across each other earlier in life, but I know that wasn't God's plan. God was still molding us and he still is. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would ever come across each other again, we would date, or that we would fall in love. Never underestemate the power of prayer. I had a praying mother that was always praying that the right one would cross my path. When I would pray, I always asked God if I already knew who this person was and I was just over looking them. I would've never guessed Jeremiah. He is my soul mate and the one I can't live without! I can never imagine my life without him in it! I have never been able to say that about anyone else. He is truly my best friend and the one I love with all my heart.

Nothing can seperate us

In the Beginning

We share a rare love

My baby and me

We're in LOVE

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